Thursday, 10 September 2009

WEEK 7 - Day 27 Loading Bay Floorboarding and Stove House 5 Roof

Today we completed the removal of floor boarding from the Loading Bay platform.
Many boards are in fair condition, but where rain and weather has been able to get at the timber ends you can see the outer ends have decayed.
To see a video of how this was carried out follow the link to

In the fantastic early September weather our A1 suffered in their protective suits to cut the sheeting clips, and remove the boarding. The underlying boards are in excellent condition having also been protected by a roofing felt. His is the view from outside our exhibition building. Come along and see the work as it progresses, Monday to Thursday until November.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

WEEK 7 - Day 26 Stove House 5 Asbestos Roof Removal

A1 Environmental began to remove the cement asbestos sheeting from the roof of Stove House 5 this morning. Work stated on the northern facing side of the building. Our timelapse camera will record the sequence of work on the south side on Thursday.
Work is carried ouut safely from the scaffoldng erected inside and out side, and from roof ladders.

The roof cladding had a felt membrane underneath it, which has protected the underlying boarding from the weather. The boards will be removed carefully and stored for reuse when the Stove House is rebuilt, but a non-asbestos substitute cladding will provide the final roof finish.

The asbestos sheets are removed by carefully cutting the fixing bolts and lifting the sheets of whole. The sheets are stacked on the scaffoold before being lowered to the ground for wrapping and transport off site.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

WEEK 7 - Day 25 Loading Bay Roof Dismantling

Dismantling of the high Loading Bay roof was carried out today, whilst the scaffolding team erected the final tier of working floors inside Stove House 5.
There will be a short video posted here in the next few days showing this operation.

Concrete pads were prepared to take scaffold tower that wil support the salt pan when it is removed from the furnace. We jope to have a time lapse sequence showing this process, weater permitting.
Ground clearing was also completed around the perimeter of the site to enable access for the fencing team to erect the boundary fence.
A large section of the south west area, backing onto our neighbours' gardens is marked out as a 'butterfly' garden in partnership with Butterfly Conservation. This work helps us look forward to when the site ceases to be a building site, but is fully renovated and open for visitors. More on this in later entries. The exhibition was opened by volunteers during the Enabling Works - Monday to Thursday 1.30 to 4.30.
 Check for more recent updates to opening times.

Monday, 7 September 2009

WEEK 7 - Day 24 Asbestos Removal Begins

A1 Environmental Ltd started removal of the roofing cement asbestos sheeting this morning. The first target was the Loading Bay.
Using a cherry picker the operatives spray the sheets to prevent dust and cut the securing fastenings in order to remove the sheets in one piece, avoiding breakages.
Tomorrow work moves to the main roof of Stove House 5.

Manouvering the cherry picker beneath the Loading Bay roof.

Wearing protective suits, gloves and masks the sheets are sprayed before cutting through the fastenings.