Looking from the north east the main salt works buildings can be seen through the scaffold tubes. The hatches allowing salt blocks to be 'lofted from the stove (hothouse or 'otters'- see below)' to the warehouse floor are covered with plyboard to avoid anyone falling though. The floorboards of the warehouse floor will be removed next week when we can show you
The scaffold racking is now being built to store the truss elements, roof boards and other structural pieces. As each timber is put into storage a condition report is made grading it with a recommendation as to whether it is OK to be re-used, if it needs a repair or if it should be used as a pattern for a new piece to be made.
Within the main complex 110volt festoon lighting allows the other stove ('otters') areas to be cleared of debris and supports to be inserted to the warehouse floor above.
The Enabling Works will allow safe access to the architects to inspect these parts of the salt works so that we can prepare a schedule of works and go out to tender for repairs to costed in Phase 2. The Stove House has flues and ditches where the salt blocks were dried.
Within these areas the decades of salt build up in the ditches and ash in the flues will be cleaned out. The condition of the cast iron columns, which have deteriorated in the salt are of particular interest to the overall stability of the buildings.
A video has been placed on the Cheshire Museums YouTube channel where the timelapse camera installation can be seen. click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt9TkGwrohY . This is continuing to record work to dismantle Stove House 5 and will form a special video compressing the work ove the past weeks to a few minutes.