Thursday, 20 August 2009

WEEK 4 - Day 16 Visit by Henry Lloyd Thompson

The former owner of the Lion Salt Works, Henry Lloyd Thompson visited the site today to see how our restoration works were proceeding.
Henry built Stove House 5 in 1965 and we wanted to show him the plans to dismantle the building and re-erect it on a new foundation. This will preserve the impressive roof construction which was built by a local company from Pickmere, Curbishleys.

Ground works continued to grade and clear the site. Contaminated soil and rubble has been taken from the site to designated landfill sites following our waste management plan. Cement asbestos sheeting from the roof areas has been contained and bagged for safe, controlled removal and disposal.

Scaffolding has been completed up to the eaves on the south and east elevations of Stove House5.
This provides a safe working platform around the walls, but also braces and supports the walls. This will be essential when dismantling begins. The building will begin to loose strength as the roof structure is removed. Follow the dismantling process during Septemember and October.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

WEEK 4 - Day 15 Continuing site preparations

We continued preparing the ground surfaces around the cabins and Stove House 5 and cleared the site boundaries, ready to erect a new fence.
The scaffolding below the bridge link between Stove House 5 and the main pan house complex is increasing every day, rising to the eaves on the west side of Stove House 5.
We have started to install a camera to record the dismantling of Stove House 5 using time lapse photography. Moe details will be posted on Monday, Day 17.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

WEEK 4 - Day 14 Laserscan Survey

A team from APR Services started a two day programme of laser scanning today. Tony Rogers carried out the first laser scan of the salt works, which was used to produce the cad drawings for our Conservation Plan.
Luke Cable and Tom Avery with Tony Rogers (right) in front of the salt pan to Pan House 5. Warehouse 5 behind.
Video link to see laser scan survey
Link to report of the initial survey -

Also today we removed an oil storage tank weighing 3 tons, which stored oil for burning under Pan No.5
The tank was empty of oil but had to be disposed of as a contaminated container.

Monday, 17 August 2009

WEEK 4 - Day 13 Preparing Stove House 5 and Ground Works

Work continued on preparing Stove House 5 for a laserscan survey, which starts tomorrow - and on investingating the ground strength for the car park surface.