The scaffolding has been completed around the outside of the building giving access to the external boards at each of the gable ends.
After horrible weather over the week end we have a calm and sunny start to the day, but the forcast for the week is for showers and rain.
The ground surface between the store and Stove House 5 will be cleaned and covered in a membrane and stone giving a firm and clean surface to work from.
The scaffolding is being inserted within Stove House 5 to provide a safe working platform from which to begin dismantling the roof trusses. The work wiill commence on Monday 7 September with the removal of the asbestos sheeting that covers the roof.
This work will be captured on our time lapse camera and posted here and on Youtube.
The removal of the external cladding boards from eth east and west gables was completed today, and scaffoldong was started inside the Stove House rising through the warehouse floor. This will support working platforms below the roof structures and around the trusses from which we will dismantle the timber frame. Watch the work at
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