Tuesday, 25 August 2009

WEEK 5 - Day 18 Dismantling Link Bridge & Site Survey

The link bridge between Stove House 5 and the main salt works complex was removed today. This allowed the scaffolding on the west side of Stove House 5 to be raised to the ridge at the top of the gable.
Scaffolding was extended to the est side of Stove House 5 to prop and secure the east wall before we can start to dismantle the salt pan and furnace structure. The pan is to be retained, but the furnace will be removed and the pan will be lowered to the ground and painted to help preserve it for the future.
Preparations for our temporary car park surface continued and a topographic survey was begun to plot in all our buildings and produce a contour survey of the ground surface.
There was a big thunderstorm this afternoon, which seems to be typical of the summer we have had this year.

Surveyors, Katie Barrowclough and Naomi Clarke, from Tower Surveys Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent, worked through sun, wind and rain to plot in all the features of the topography to refresh our site information.

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