Monday 24 August 2009

WEEK 5 - Day 17 Timelapse record of works to Stove House 5

Julian Baum and Claire Duval of Take 27 have been helping set up a time lapse camera which will record work being carried out to Stove House 5. Over the coming weeks the whole of this building will be dismantled and stored ready for re-erection as part of the Phase 2 works.
The camera looks out of the upstairs window of the former Red Lion Inn, now the offices and exhibition area of the Lion Salt Works Project.

A sequence of the scaffolding being erected is now available, the work completed at the end of last week. Link to

For information about the work of Take 27 go to

Work being completed today, includes additional scaffolding to the north of Stove House 5, ground works to the general site surface and temporary car parking for visitors, asbestos removal and dismantling of the link bridge between Stove House 5 and the main salt works complex.

The nails have corroded, all the salt eating into the iron work, making the structure very unstable. The scaffold provides a safe working platform to photograph, label and remove the structure.

Much of our loading bay is made up of re-used timbers. One second hand telegraph post has this inscription GPO 1908 R

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